The Expression for the ending of e-mail.

1. Feel free to communicate with me through email any time.

2. I’m anxiously awaiting your response.

3. I’m expecting a swift reply.

4. I would appreciate it if you could reply as soon as possible.

5. Please send me any feedback you have.

6. I look forward to your response.

7. It’s vital that I hear from you soon.

8. I’m looking forward to receiving your acceptance of my offer.

9. I’ll really appreciate it if you can take care of this as soon as possible.

10. Whenever you get a chance,please inform me on your decision.

11. Please don’t hesitate to contact me as soon as possible.

12. Awaiting your quick response.

13. Please take a few minutes to let me know about your decision.

14. Please send me an update at your earliest convenience.

15. Your Prompt reply will be very much appreciated.